Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sausage and Pesto Pizza

I'm not sure what to name this pizza, exactly. I don't think that the above title really gives this pizza due justice. The crust is a run of the mill yeast dough with some added spices (garlic, cloves, pepper and cayenne). The pesto is an arugula pesto with the usual ingredients (arugula, cashews, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon, white balsamic vinegar) that I mixed with dijon mustard before spreading onto the dough. I actually added too much dijon, so I mellowed it out with some splenda and more white balsamic vinegar.
Next are yellow onions and roasted jalepenos sauteed in white whine. Italian sausage and pineapple finish off the top layer. I wanted to use tofutti as well, but the stuff in the fridge went bad, so I defrosted and drained some soft tofu and put it in my cuisinart chopper. I pureed it until it was smooth and added flavors to try to mimic cheese, specifically ricotta. Why ricotta, well Mel told me since the tofu had been frozen, that it wouldn't come out smooth. Wrong.

So I added salt, garlic powder, lemon, tumeric, parsley, sage and rosemary. After the correct flavor was achieved, I added an egg to bring it together when it was cooked.

Despite some difficulty getting this pizza off the cutting board and onto the stone in the oven, it came out really well. Also, the tofu and egg helped bring together other ingredients and give the effect of having cheese.

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